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The remarkable situations that telecommunicators have to experience every single day are so important and should be shared with the world.

Unsung Heroes: Tales of Rescue

Welcome to the heart of RapidDeploy, where every day brings new stories of courage, compassion, and life-saving technology. Join us on a journey through the gripping narratives of our real-life heroes and the lives they touch.
Be a part of something bigger.

By combining quick thinking, compassion, and cutting-edge technology, telecommunicators are making every crucial moment matter to make our communities safer, stronger, and more resilient.
Together, we can help save more lives.
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2023 RapidDeploy Superstar Award Heroes in Florida & California for Going Above and Beyond with the Help of Radius Mapping | FL & CA
Florida, FL; California, CA; Radius Mapping

This year, we were thrilled to introduce the RapidDeploy Superstar Award, recognizing extraordinary individuals who have significantly impacted lives by leveraging Next Gen 911 technology.  

This award specifically honors. heroes from ECCs and PSAPs nationwide that have effectively utilized RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution in a life-saving emergency incident.

Walton County Sheriff's Office, Florida

Heather Mayo’s heroic act leveraging live video, real-time location tracking, and mobile signals to rescue a man who fell overboard

Heather Mayo, the first Superstar awardee, was recognized in August 2023 for her exceptional use of RapidDeploy's technology during a critical emergency.  

Using precise caller location combined with RapidVideo and location tracking, Heather and her team at Walton County Sheriff’s Office orchestrated a rescue operation, saving the life of a man who had fallen overboard and drifted far away from this boat. Heather was able to communicate with the caller (his wife) and used live video to help her restart the engine and find her husband in the bay.  

Riverside County Sheriff's Office, California

Meghan Gonzalez leveraged real-time text messaging and location tracking to coordinate the effective rescue of a kidnapping victim

Meghan Gonzalez was awarded RapidDeploy’s Superstar award in October 2023, after displaying remarkable quick thinking during a terrifying kidnapping incident. Meghan quickly realized the caller was not able to speak and initiated a text conversation, enabling Meghan to obtain her location, track her movements in real-time, and gather crucial information—all powered by Radius Mapping. Her actions underscored the invaluable role that Next Gen 911 technology plays in responding to emergencies, leading to the victim's safe recovery and the apprehension of the suspect.

Join Us in Celebrating Our Heroes

Meghan and Heather’s stories inspire us and highlight the significant, life-saving role that these heroes play everyday.  We are honored that RapidDeploy can support first responders, within the ECC/PSAP and in the field with critical data and applications.  

💬 We welcome your stories of how RapidDeploy has impacted your community. Share your experiences and help us spotlight more heroes:

Live, Two-Text Powered by Radius Mapping Saves Kidnapping Victim | Riverside, CA
California, CA; Radius Mapping

RapidDeploy honors Communications Officer II Meghan Gonzalez for her heroic efforts and incredible use of RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping to rescue a victim in Riverside County California.

In the line of duty, when every moment matters, the combination of intuition, expertise, and technology can make all the difference. This narrative isn’t just another tale of exceptional dedication; it’s a testament to the impact that Next Generation 911 and today’s telecommunicators have on impacting emergency response outcomes.  

The Night of the Call

On May 2, 2023, Communications Officer II Meghan Gonzalez of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office received an open line 911 call. All she could hear were faint shuffles and the dinging of a car door.  

Many would have dismissed this as an accidental dial, but Meghan’s intuition told her otherwise. RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution is used daily throughout hundreds of 911 call centers in California and played a vital role in helping Meghan effectively locate and communicate with a distressed caller during a life-threatening situation.  

Power of Technology

Whether it’s real-time location signals, text communication (with translation in over 70 languages), or live video – Radius Mapping delivers critical real-time information and supports modern communication for all 911 calls.  

Without hesitation, Meghan took action, leveraging Radius Mapping to locate the caller, track her whereabouts and initiate 2-way text, which helped gather the critical intelligence needed to successfully dispatch and rescue the victim.

In a race against time, Meghan initiated a priority 1 response, guiding law enforcement to the victim’s GPS coordinates obtained from Radius Mapping.  

Simultaneously, as field responders made their way to the scene, Meghan maintained live text communication with the victim, who shared that she was in the trunk of a vehicle and provided details about the suspect.  

These critical details lead to a successful life-saving emergency response. The victim was saved, and the suspect was arrested.

Here’s how text-from-911 works:

Text-to-911 allows a person in need of emergency assistance to receive a text message from a telecommunicator within the Emergency Communication Center (ECC). Two-way, real-time text has proven to be incredibly valuable for callers who may not be able to speak in an emergency such as:

  1. A home invasion
  1. Domestic disturbance or abuse  
  1. If an individual is deaf, hard hearing, or has speech disabilities

With SMS, the Telecommunicator can track the caller’s location and effectively communicate, gathering information that enhances situational awareness and supports a more effective response.

Recognition for Excellence

On October 17th, RapidDeploy’s CEO and Co-founder, Steve Raucher, visited the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office to present Meghan with the RapidDepoy Superstar Award.  

The Superstar Award recognizes heroes and individuals in emergency call centers and public safety answering points nationwide, by highlighting the 911 emergencies where RapidDeploy played a role in supporting a better outcome, from delivering the right mission-critical data to saving lives. 

The quarterly award is reserved for those who make a life-saving impact, demonstrate exceptional use of RapidDeploy technology, and continue to enhance emergency response throughout their community.  

RapidDeploy applauds Meghan for her dedication to life-saving work, unwavering intuition, and for harnessing the power of Radius Mapping to improve emergency outcomes.  

Riverside County Sheriff’s Office is setting a great example of how Next Generation 911 solutions can make a life-saving difference.

Watch the video to hear directly from the team at Riverside County Sheriff’s Office:

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March 16, 2024
A Woman Called 911 in Arizona, but Hung Up. The Telecommunicator Who Spoke with Her Acted Fast and Ended Up Saving Her Life
March 7, 2024
Dispatcher Saves Pregnant Domestic Violence Victim with RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping
January 2, 2024
New technology Lets First Responders See 911 Caller’s Exact Location
November 28, 2023
New technology Improves Emergency Service Response Times, Dispatchers Say
October 25, 2023
Riverside County Sheriff's Dispatcher Credited with Saving Kidnap Victim's Life After 911 Call, Text
August 21, 2023
RapidDeploy's 'Superstar’ Dispatcher Awarded for Dramatic Water Rescue of Husband and Wife
August 21, 2023
Walton County Communication Training Officer Honored for using Technology to Help Save Caller’s Husband
April 6, 2023
WCSO Dispatcher Helps Recover Stranded Boater Using New Rapiddeploy Video Technology
April 5, 2023
Walton County Sheriff's Office Dispatcher Uses State-of-the-Art Technology with RapidDeploy Radius Mapping to Help Woman Save Her Husband
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Superstar Award Spotlight: How Radius Mapping Precise Location Data and Quick Thinking Saved a Life

When telecommunicator Ashley Willis (previously Rodriguez) saw an attempted 911 call appear on her primary call mapping screen, she immediately sprang into action. Using RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping technology, she pinpointed the exact location of the dropped call, immediately deployed officers to the location, and simultaneously called back the number. Despite no answer, Ashley’s instincts told her something was wrong, and she quickly coordinated a response.

Her actions proved crucial. Upon arriving at the scene, officers discovered a 7-month pregnant woman who had been a victim of domestic abuse. Thanks to Ashley’s rapid response, the suspect was promptly arrested, and the victim was given life-saving assistance.  

The advanced capabilities of RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping technology played a vital role in this successful rescue. By providing precise caller location data, Ashley was able to use that pinpoint to give her the exact address of the dropped call and to coordinate an effective response, showcasing how advanced NG911 tools and human intuition can work together in emergency situations.

On July 10, 2024, RapidDeploy was thrilled to honor Ashley’s life-saving actions and present to Ashley the prestigious RapidDeploy Superstar award, which acknowledges the resourcefulness and resilience of those on the front lines. Whether it’s the first call coming in or the teams in the field, we continue to be inspired by the heroic work of first responders.  

“Ashley Willis demonstrated extraordinary dedication and quick action during a critical moment,” said Steve Raucher, RapidDeploy CEO and co-founder. “We are proud to honor her life-saving actions and commitment to public safety.”

Ashley’s story is a powerful reminder of the tremendous impact first responders can have when empowered by advanced technology that enables swift response and coordination.  

Watch the full award presentation, which took place at Indialantic Police Department in Florida, and catch behind-the-scenes action in our video recap below:

Do you know a colleague or friend who has shown bravery on the frontlines? We welcome you to submit a Save Story to celebrate and honor your colleagues!

For more stories like Ashley's and to learn about how RapidDeploy makes a difference in public safety, check out our save stories in action.  

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Celebrating Life-Saving Moments with RapidDeploy's NG911 Technology

At RapidDeploy, every year we receive hundreds of save stories from our customers, sharing with us how telecommunicators, field responders and 911 agencies are using our Next Generation 911 technology to aid in emergency situations, and how these technologies played a crucial role in their emergency responses.  

In this blog post, we want to highlight some recent examples of save stories that showcase the profound impact of collaboration, precision, and advanced technology in saving lives. Here, we highlight four remarkable incidents from Florida and Arizona, demonstrating how RapidDeploy aids in these critical moments.

1. Cross-County Collaboration Saves Child in Florida

In a tense situation where every moment matters, RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping was instrumental in rescuing a child who had sustained a head injury. The incident began with a misrouted call from a cell phone, reporting that a child had fallen into a pool. Despite losing the connection and failing to re-establish contact after two attempts, the telecommunicator from Santa Rosa County, Florida, utilized RapidLocate, RapidDeploy’s proprietary location technology, to pinpoint the caller’s location within Radius Mapping, and trace the call's origin—surprisingly nearly 100 miles away in Bay County!

The Challenge of Misrouted Calls
Misrouted calls present a unique challenge in emergency response. Often, cell phone calls connect to a cell tower that might not accurately reflect the caller's actual location, which can mislead responders into deploying resources to an incorrect area. This can have severe consequences in time-sensitive situations where minutes, or even seconds, count.

In this instance, the telecommunicator leveraged RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping to quickly identify that the call originated outside of Santa Rosa County's jurisdiction. By identifying the exact location in Bay County, the telecommunicator immediately alerted emergency response counterparts in that region.

Coordinated Response Across County Lines
Upon arrival at the scene, the emergency response teams discovered the child had fallen beside the pool and struck her head, contradicting the original report that the child had fallen in the pool. The response teams provided immediate care, ensuring the child received treatment in time.

Scott Markel, Communications Chief of Santa Rosa County Emergency Management Communications Center, reflected on how this technology played a pivotal role in expediting the response to prevent a tragic outcome, and applauded his team’s efforts:

"I commend my team for the quick-thinking and use of the RapidDeploy platform, which allowed us to swiftly redirect the call to the appropriate agency and coordinate a multi-agency prompt response."

A Lesson in Interagency Collaboration
This precise location tracking enabled a well-coordinated response between the Santa Rosa and Bay County emergency teams, leading to the successful discovery and treatment of the child. This situation emphasizes the importance of NG911 technology and demonstrates how crucial information can cross county boundaries to facilitate an emergency response. RapidDeploy technology effectively serves as a bridge that allows different agencies to collaborate seamlessly.

2. Arizona's Quick Response to Offroad Accident

From the deserts of Arizona, another success story emerges involving two teenagers in a dirt bike accident. The call, initially received by the Colorado River Indian Tribes Police Department (CRIT PD), was transferred to the La Paz Sheriff’s Department. However, the caller provided inconsistent location information, making it challenging for the emergency responders to pinpoint the accident site.

Unreliable Caller Information in Remote Regions
In rural and remote regions, callers often struggle to describe their exact location due to the absence of clear landmarks. This poses a significant challenge for telecommunicators who must rely on technology to gather accurate location data.

Aurora Wilson, a telecommunicator at the La Paz Sheriff’s Department, quickly consulted the Radius Mapping platform. She identified two cell signals in the Parker area, one of which appeared in a desert near the Lazy D Mobile Home Park. She shared the GPS coordinates with the responding units and confirmed the location with the CRIT PD responders.

Seamless and Accurate Emergency Response
This accuracy expedited the arrival of emergency teams, and they were able to find the accident site quickly. One of the teenagers had suffered multiple injuries and was airlifted to Phoenix Children’s Hospital for further treatment. The coordinated response across multiple agencies minimized delays, ensuring both teenagers received the necessary medical attention.

Wilson emphasized the importance of RapidDeploy’s platform:

“Had I not been able to utilize the RapidDeploy system, the response would/could have been further delayed. I use this system religiously when checking on my shift. It has multiple tools that make it almost effortless to locate a person in need of Law Enforcement, Medical, and Fire responders.”

Leveraging Technology to Save Lives
The seamless coordination between multiple agencies and the utilization of RapidDeploy ensured an effective rescue, showcasing the power of teamwork and technology in emergency management. This incident also highlights the importance of real-time data sharing between telecommunicators and field responders. With tools like RapidDeploy, telecommunicators can provide first responders with accurate GPS coordinates, increasing the chances of locating the injured quickly.

3. Desert Rescue Through Precision Mapping

The vast and treacherous terrains of Arizona’s deserts pose unique challenges, as illustrated by a distress call about a man suffering from heat-related issues. The Rural Metro telecommunicator, unfamiliar with the area and receiving inconsistent location details from the caller, provided different landmarks to responders heading to the scene.  

Challenges of Heat-Related Emergencies in Deserts
Desert rescues are particularly challenging due to the vast, featureless landscapes and extreme temperatures that can quickly become life-threatening. In this instance, the caller was disoriented due to the heat and provided the dispatcher with unclear information, making it difficult to identify the exact location.

To pinpoint the exact location, the telecommunicator at Phoenix Fire Department 911 used the RapidDeploy system to send a request link via text message to the caller. The caller accepted the link, which shared his exact GPS location. Using the map, the telecommunicator measured the distance from the main road to determine the best route for emergency responders.

Precision Mapping for Accurate Response
The team dispatched first responders to the coordinates and guided them directly to the caller, who was transported to the nearest hospital for treatment. The quick-thinking and rapid response facilitated by RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution may have saved the man's life. This is a testament to the effectiveness of RapidDeploy’s NG911 solutions in delivering life-saving assistance where and when it's most needed.

Jim Frazier, Fire Communications Administrator, Phoenix Fire Department added:

"Using RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping in emergencies saves valuable time and lives."

Technology Transforming Desert Rescue Operations
In the absence of precise landmarks, RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution allows telecommunicators to analyze the topography and features of the landscape accurately. This capability ensures emergency teams reach the exact location, even in the most challenging terrains. The incident showcases how RapidDeploy empowers telecommunicators with tools that make a significant difference in emergency outcomes.

4. Real-Time Rescue in the Arizona Wilderness

The Valley Emergency Communications Center (VECC) faced a challenging scenario on May 1, 2024. They received a call from the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office regarding an injured 28-year-old hiker with a possible broken leg in the wilderness. The VECC team immediately opened a call in RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping and gathered vital information like medical details, name, and emergency contact information from the cell provider.

SMS Communication Reassures and Informs
The VECC telecommunicators initiated a conversation with the victim and her companion via SMS, using text-from-911. This allowed them to provide immediate reassurance that help was on the way while also collecting crucial information about the victim's condition and location. They were able to precisely identify the victim’s location and follow movements down the trail to find a shadier spot.

Establishing an Effective Rescue Plan
The VECC dispatchers relayed this live information to the responding crews. The incident commander used it to establish a detailed rescue plan, with rescue crews entering the trail and locating the calling party just over two miles up the trail. With a clear strategy and live data from RapidLocate, the teams efficiently transformed actionable information into a life-saving encounter.

Jason Moore, Deputy Chief - Director of the Valley Emergency Communications Center, emphasized the significance of RapidLocate in the rescue operation:

"RapidLocate proved extremely useful in obtaining actionable information very early on in the emergency, and aided in responders making critical decisions to support locating and rescuing the victim."

RapidDeploy’s technology played a crucial role in helping the teams make informed decisions early in the emergency, aiding in finding and rescuing the victim. This story is just one example of how teamwork and technology can come together to transform an urgent call for help into a successful rescue mission.

Join Us in Celebrating These Heroes

Every call that turns into a save story is a testament to the courage of telecommunicators and first responders alike, and the efficacy of RapidDeploy. We are committed to enhancing the capabilities of emergency services with our cutting-edge solutions, ensuring that when disaster strikes, help is just a call away.

These save stories are great examples of how RapidDeploy technology is helping emergency agencies across the country improve their response times and outcomes, ultimately saving more lives. We invite you to share your own experiences and how technology has aided you in critical moments. Visit us at RapidDeploy to learn more about our technology and share your story. Through these stories of resilience and innovation, RapidDeploy continues to be inspired in our commitment to public safety. Whether it's cross-county collaboration or navigating vast deserts, NG911 solutions prove to be the linchpin that connects telecommunicators and first responders in their life-saving mission. By leveraging advanced tools like Radius Mapping, emergency teams can collaborate seamlessly and provide accurate responses that reduce critical delays.

These stories reaffirm the transformative power of technology in emergency response. At RapidDeploy, we are dedicated to providing emergency agencies with the most advanced tools and technology so that every moment makes a difference.

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Celebrating Our RapidDeploy Superstars During Telecommunicators Week

This week is National Public Safety Telecommunicators week, and every year we look forward to this important week. It gives us a great reminder to celebrate telecommunicators nationwide and show how much we appreciate and honor their service.  

It's our privilege at RapidDeploy to shine a spotlight on these extraordinary individuals who are often behind the scenes and on the headsets. Over the past year, RapidDeploy has received hundreds of stories from PSAPs and emergency response professionals across the country detailing the heroic and life-saving impact of a telecommunicator. RapidDeploy selects one story every quarter of the year to recognize with our RapidDeploy Superstar Award. We are honored during this year’s National Telecommunicators Week to celebrate these heroes and their remarkable contributions.

Maui County 911 Communications Center, Hawaii

In recognition of their extraordinary performance during the catastrophic wildfires on August 8, 2023, RapidDeploy most recently awarded Maui County 911 the national Superstar Award. Handling nearly triple the average number of distress calls in a single day, the communication center's use of RapidDeploy was pivotal in facilitating life-saving emergency responses amid the chaos happening on the ground in Maui. This award ceremony made history as the first time the RapidDeploy Superstar award was presented to an entire team, and honors their collective commitment as the “first” first responders and their effective utilization of Next Gen 911 solutions during critical moments

We are so proud to present these individuals and teams with the Superstar Award. These stories exemplify the heroism, resilience, and technological adeptness that define our telecommunicators and the critical, lifesaving work they do.  

Derrik Gregg - Scottsdale Police Department, Arizona

Derrik Gregg, Communications Supervisor at the Scottsdale Police Department, was awarded RapidDeploy's Superstar Award in March 2024 for his bravery and life-saving actions that took place on September 1, 2023. After receiving a disconnected 911 call, Derrik utilized RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping platform and used the breadcrumbs feature to locate a victim of domestic violence, who was in transport moving away from the location of the incident. His collaboration with law enforcement ensured the victim's safety, highlighting the indispensable role of NG911 technology in public safety and the exceptional dedication of first responders like Derrik.

Meghan Gonzalez - Riverside County Sheriff's Office, California

Meghan Gonzalez of the Riverside County Sheriff's Office received the RapidDeploy Superstar award for her innovative handling of a kidnapping incident in October 2023. By initiating a real-time 911 text conversation with a caller unable to speak, Meghan utilized Radius Mapping to track the victim's real-time location and movements. Her quick thinking and gut intuition not only facilitated the victim's safe recovery but also led to the kidnapper's apprehension.

Heather Mayo - Walton County Sheriff's Office, Florida

In April 2023, Walton County Sheriff’s Office Dispatcher, Heather Mayo, displayed exceptional use of RapidDeploy's technology during a critical emergency, earning her the Superstar Award. Responding to a 911 call from a woman whose husband had fallen overboard into rough water, Heather leveraged live video, real-time location tracking and mobile signals to coordinate a successful rescue. Utilizing RapidDeploy’s RapidVideo, she guided the caller, through live video sharing, to restart the boat’s engine and navigate the bay to find her husband, showcasing the profound impact of NG911 technology in life-saving efforts.

These professionals, our RapidDeploy Superstars, have gone above and beyond in leveraging technology to save lives and enhance the safety of our communities. Their stories of courage, innovation, and commitment serve as a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating the critical role of telecommunicators in emergency response.  

We are honored during this year’s National Telecommunicators Week to celebrate these heroes and their remarkable contributions. We extend our deepest gratitude and admiration to all telecommunicators who remind us of the powerful difference one call can make.

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Celebrating Heroic Actions: RapidDeploy Honors Derrik Gregg with Superstar Award

Last year, RapidDeploy was thrilled to introduce the RapidDeploy Superstar Award, a national award recognizing extraordinary individuals who have significantly impacted lives by leveraging Next Generation 911 technology.

This award specifically honors heroes from ECCs and PSAPs nationwide that have effectively utilized RapidDeploy’s technology in a life-saving emergency incident.

Communications Supervisor Derrik Gregg from Scottsdale Police Department Receives the Superstar Award for His Life-Saving Efforts  

On Friday, September 1, 2023, at approximately 0238 hours, Communications Supervisor Derrik Gregg received a 911 call that disconnected shortly after he answered. Derrik was able to see on RapidDeploy’s Radius Map that the caller was on Hayden near McCormick Parkway, and he was also able to see subsequent location changes. Derrik initiated a Call For Service for a 911 welfare check. At the same time, Derrik selected “request additional information,” a feature request on RapidDeploy that signifies that the 911 center feels there is a potential emergency, and will send the requestor any emergency information previously entered into a smartphone by the caller (name, emergency contact, and home address).

On Derrik’s second call to the phone, a female answered and quickly stated that she would call him back. Derrik asked her if she had an emergency, to which she replied,“Yes” and then hung up the phone. Using the information on the supplemental information from the caller’s phone, Derrik ran a query through ACJIS to find vehicles registered to a person with the caller’s name. At this time, Officer A and Trainee Officer B made a stop on a vehicle traveling northbound on Hayden by matching the license plate that Derrik had relayed.

Officers A and B, with other officers and the sergeant backing them up, approached the vehicle and determined that the female passenger of the vehicle needed medical attention. Investigation revealed that the male driver had run over the female passenger prior to leaving with her in the vehicle from a bar in Scottsdale. The female had been unable to speak freely because she was afraid of the driver.

This call came to a successful ending due to the quick actions by Communications Supervisor Derrik Gregg.

It is likely that the actions taken by Scottsdale Communications and Patrol saved this young woman’s life that night.

The Power of RapidDeploy Technology Plays a Pivotal Role in Life-Saving Response

Derrik's actions epitomize the dedication and resilience of our first responders. He exemplified extraordinary life-saving impact with his quick thinking and decisive actions, and his heroic efforts not only saved a life but also showcased the power of innovative technology in emergency situations. His mastery of our technology played a pivotal role in this life-saving operation. We commend Derrik Gregg for his unwavering commitment to public safety and his extraordinary contribution to his community, and we proudly announce Derrik Gregg as the recipient of RapidDeploy's quarterly Superstar Award.

RapidDeploy National Superstar Award

The RapidDeploy Superstar Award recognizes exceptional bravery and outstanding contributions to emergency response. Through real-life examples like Derrik Gregg's, we highlight the impact of innovative technology in saving lives. We encourage nominations and submissions of heroic stories from first responders across the nation, showcasing the remarkable efforts of those on the front lines.

As we celebrate Derrik Gregg's achievements, we also reflect on the broader mission of RapidDeploy. Founded in 2016, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the public safety sector. Our cloud-native platform delivers intelligent information throughout the emergency response journey, empowering agencies and first responders to drive better outcomes in mission-critical situations.

The recognition of RapidDeploy as a Most Innovative Company in 2024 by Fast Company further validates our commitment to excellence. We are proud to lead the charge in reshaping emergency response, reducing response times, and ultimately saving lives. With a curated partner network and a relentless focus on innovation, we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in public safety.

Innovative Technology Is Changing 911

At RapidDeploy, we believe in the power of technology to make a difference. Derrik Gregg's story is a testament to that belief. His swift action, supported by our innovative solutions, demonstrates the impact of collaboration between technology and human ingenuity. As we celebrate Derrik's heroism, we renew our dedication to advancing public safety and driving positive change in communities worldwide.

Together, we will continue to innovate, inspire, and save lives.

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RapidDeploy Enables Emergency Response to School Shooting Threats in Carter County, Tennessee

Nestled at the edge of the Appalachian Mountains, Carter County, Tennessee, boasts a population of over 50,000 residents. Responsible for managing emergency calls from the local area, the Carter County Emergency Communications District 911 (TN) plays a pivotal role in ensuring public safety. In July 2023, the Tennessee Emergency Communications Board allocated funds to integrate Radius Mapping into Carter County 911’s infrastructure.

Radius Mapping provides telecommunicators in Carter County with indispensable support and functionality previously unavailable to them. The platform's rapid, precise location tracking features empower dispatchers to visualize a caller’s position on a map of the local area in real-time. Accurate location data is paramount for deploying emergency response resources, particularly in scenarios where callers fail to provide precise addresses or when threats span multiple jurisdictions.

RapidDeploy Offers Crucial Call-Mapping Functionality

The real test of this technology came in February 2024 when telecommunicators utilized it to pinpoint a series of brief 911 calls, one of which included a shooting threat directed at a local school. Just months after the installation of Radius Mapping, the platform proved its worth in a critical emergency communications event. On February 1, 2024, telecommunicators received a call from a 911-only phone—a device that typically cannot receive calls, even from emergency officials. The caller reported a threat of violence but disconnected abruptly, providing an address outside Carter County 911’s jurisdiction. Radius mapped the call to cell towers near the county border, initiating collaboration with neighboring jurisdictions.

Location Tracking Facilitates Fast, Accurate Emergency Response

Approximately 25 minutes later, another call from the same device hinted at a shooting threat directed at the local school system. With Radius Mapping, telecommunicators swiftly identified the caller’s location at Happy Valley High School. Immediate action followed the precise identification of the caller’s location. School resource officers and patrol officers from adjacent jurisdictions were promptly notified, leading to a comprehensive lockdown and search across multiple schools in the vicinity.

Through the utilization of 911 call recordings and Radius Mapping data, authorities swiftly apprehended three juveniles, each charged with threatening mass violence on school property and false reporting.

The case of Carter County exemplifies how innovative technology like RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping can revolutionize emergency response, ensuring swift, targeted action in critical situations. By harnessing the power of technology, communities can bolster their resilience and protect lives in the face of adversity.

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2023 RapidDeploy Superstar Award Celebrates Heroes in Emergency Response

This year, we were thrilled to introduce the RapidDeploy Superstar Award, recognizing extraordinary individuals who have significantly impacted lives by leveraging Next Gen 911 technology.

This award specifically honors. heroes from ECCs and PSAPs nationwide that have effectively utilized RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution in a life-saving emergency incident.

Walton County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Heather Mayo’s heroic act leveraging live video, real-time location tracking, and mobile signals to rescue a man who fell overboard

Heather Mayo, the first Superstar awardee, was recognized in August 2023 for her exceptional use of RapidDeploy's technology during a critical emergency.

Using precise caller location combined with RapidVideo and location tracking, Heather and her team at Walton County Sheriff’s Office orchestrated a rescue operation, saving the life of a man who had fallen overboard and drifted far away from this boat. Heather was able to communicate with the caller (his wife) and used live video to help her restart the engine and find her husband in the bay.  

Riverside County Sheriff's Office, California

Meghan Gonzalez leveraged real-time text messaging and location tracking to coordinate the effective rescue of a kidnapping victim

Meghan Gonzalez was awarded RapidDeploy’s Superstar award in October 2023, after displaying remarkable quick thinking during a terrifying kidnapping incident. Meghan quickly realized the caller was not able to speak and initiated a text conversation, enabling Meghan to obtain her location, track her movements in real-time, and gather crucial information—all powered by Radius Mapping. Her actions underscored the invaluable role that Next Gen 911 technology plays in responding to emergencies, leading to the victim's safe recovery and the apprehension of the suspect.

Join Us in Celebrating Our Heroes

Meghan and Heather’s stories inspire us and highlight the significant, life-saving role that these heroes play everyday.  We are honored that RapidDeploy can support first responders, within the ECC/PSAP and in the field with critical data and applications.  

💬 We welcome your stories of how RapidDeploy has impacted your community. Share your experiences and help us spotlight more heroes:

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Live, Two-Text Powered by RapidDeploy Saves Kidnapping Victim

RapidDeploy honors Communications Officer II Meghan Gonzalez for her heroic efforts and incredible use of RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping to rescue a victim in Riverside County California.

In the line of duty, when every moment matters, the combination of intuition, expertise, and technology can make all the difference. This narrative isn’t just another tale of exceptional dedication; it’s a testament to the impact that Next Generation 911 and today’s telecommunicators have on impacting emergency response outcomes.  

The Night of the Call

On May 2, 2023, Communications Officer II Meghan Gonzalez of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office received an open line 911 call. All she could hear were faint shuffles and the dinging of a car door.  

Many would have dismissed this as an accidental dial, but Meghan’s intuition told her otherwise. RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution is used daily throughout hundreds of 911 call centers in California and played a vital role in helping Meghan effectively locate and communicate with a distressed caller during a life-threatening situation.  

Power of Technology

Whether it’s real-time location signals, text communication (with translation in over 70 languages), or live video – Radius Mapping delivers critical real-time information and supports modern communication for all 911 calls.  

Without hesitation, Meghan took action, leveraging Radius Mapping to locate the caller, track her whereabouts and initiate 2-way text, which helped gather the critical intelligence needed to successfully dispatch and rescue the victim.

In a race against time, Meghan initiated a priority 1 response, guiding law enforcement to the victim’s GPS coordinates obtained from Radius Mapping.  

Simultaneously, as field responders made their way to the scene, Meghan maintained live text communication with the victim, who shared that she was in the trunk of a vehicle and provided details about the suspect.  

These critical details lead to a successful life-saving emergency response. The victim was saved, and the suspect was arrested.

Here’s how text-from-911 works:

Text-to-911 allows a person in need of emergency assistance to receive a text message from a telecommunicator within the Emergency Communication Center (ECC). Two-way, real-time text has proven to be incredibly valuable for callers who may not be able to speak in an emergency such as:

  1. A home invasion
  1. Domestic disturbance or abuse  
  1. If an individual is deaf, hard hearing, or has speech disabilities

With SMS, the Telecommunicator can track the caller’s location and effectively communicate, gathering information that enhances situational awareness and supports a more effective response.

Recognition for Excellence

On October 17th, RapidDeploy’s CEO and Co-founder, Steve Raucher, visited the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office to present Meghan with the RapidDepoy Superstar Award.  

The Superstar Award recognizes heroes and individuals in emergency call centers and public safety answering points nationwide, by highlighting the 911 emergencies where RapidDeploy played a role in supporting a better outcome, from delivering the right mission-critical data to saving lives. 

The quarterly award is reserved for those who make a life-saving impact, demonstrate exceptional use of RapidDeploy technology, and continue to enhance emergency response throughout their community.  

RapidDeploy applauds Meghan for her dedication to life-saving work, unwavering intuition, and for harnessing the power of Radius Mapping to improve emergency outcomes.  

Riverside County Sheriff’s Office is setting a great example of how Next Generation 911 solutions can make a life-saving difference.

Watch the video to hear directly from the team at Riverside County Sheriff’s Office:

Save Stories
Saving Lives Matters: Blount County Saves Lives of Lost Hikers Across Tennessee State Lines with RapidDeploy Technology

Next Generation 911 technology is improving outcomes - RapidDeploy Radius Mapping pinpointed the caller’s location, when other solutions like their CHE and other tools were not able to locate the caller

  • Blount County E-911 received a distressed call from a mobile device, reporting that a group of hikers were lost, injured, and had very little water and food
  • Leveraging commercial and statewide authoritative GIS data and location technology with Radius Mapping, they were able to see that the hikers transversed to another trail and state entirely - and were not on the path they believed they were on

Blount County in Tennessee contacted Graham County in North Carolina to let them know where to find the missing hikers, who were long overdue. “Without the help of RapidDeploy, we would not have been able to obtain the hikers GPS coordinates and contact Graham County 911. “

James B. Long, Blount County E-911

NG911 solutions provide critical information and the technology integrations needed to drive better outcomes. Today, RapidDeploy Radius Mapping solution is leveraged by 1,500+ emergency communications centers for:

  • Location Accuracy: Mobile location data to pinpoint callers using mobile location
  • GIS Data: NG9-1-1 GIS platform leverages Esri Geospatial Cloud and authoritative GIS data
  • Situational Awareness: Unified map for all data sources built to save lives

Save Stories
Saving Lives Matters: Walton County Dispatcher Saves Life of Man Who Fell Overboard with RapidDeploy Technology

Courtesy of Fox10 News, Walton County Florida

Next Generation 911 Technology is Improving Outcomes – The power of RapidDeploy’s location accuracy and video technology supports a lifesaving rescue mission

Leveraging modern communications and critical data provided by our partners, Walton County Dispatcher, Heather Mayo was able to provide life-saving support in the moments that mattered most during a recent boating incident.  

  • Dispatch received a distressed call from a mobile device, expressing that her husband had fallen overboard and was drifting away
  • The integrated video feeds and accuracy of RapidLocate enabled the dispatcher to provide real-time, critical information so that the wife could successfully reach her husband and pull him back onboard the boat
  • RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping solution instantly acquired the call details, including the exact location of the boat in the Choctawhatchee Bay
  • Leveraging RapidVideo, Radius Mapping captured live video footage from the mobile device, which helped them to coach the wife in getting the boat started so that she could reach her husband in time to save his life
  • According to Mayo, “It definitely helps our responders to be able to see what they see”
  • Specific data, ‘breadcrumbs’, plotted the exact coordinates of the boat in real-time, giving the dispatcher clarity of the direction the boat was headed

“This technology is critical in situations where we need to see what the caller is seeing. The bay was choppy that afternoon and had we not been able to walk her through this situation, she may not have been able to retrieve her husband from the water. Every second matters when it comes to saving lives. Streamlined access to life-saving data can make all the difference. Heather Mayo was calm in a chaotic situation and was able to guide the caller throughout the entire situation.”

- Sheriff Michael Adkinson, Walton County Florida.

NG911 solutions provide critical information and the technology integrations needed to drive better outcomes. Today, RapidDeploy Radius Mapping solution is leveraged by 1,500+ emergency communications centers for:

  • Location Accuracy: Mobile location data to pinpoint callers using mobile location
  • Situational Awareness: Unified map for all data sources built to save lives and improve responder safety
  • Modern Communications: Tools and interoperability built for communication in a digital and mobile-supported era

Save Stories
Save Story: Kentucky: Mom Rescued with Enhanced Location Accuracy
“We know when 9-1-1 rings RapidDeploy is going to pinpoint where that caller is.”

– Beth Kallin, Director of Lawrenceburg-Anderson County 911, Kentucky

A Kentucky mother of two found herself in a dangerous situation when her ATV flipped over, trapping her leg underneath. Although she was able to call 9-1-1, she was unable to provide her precise location.

With Kentucky covered by large rural areas, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact location.

Fortunately, the Lawrenceburg dispatchers leverage RapidDeploy as their for next generation call-taking map, which enabled them to identify her exact location even in the neighboring county.

Recognizing her spotty cell service, they opted not to disconnect and instead contacted the PSAP in the next jurisdiction and were able to guide first responder to her location.  

Watch the full save story here:

Save Stories
Save Story: SRPD, Arizona - Life Saved with Location Accuracy & Real-Time Text Messaging
“SRPD is proud of our PSCB Dispatchers who were absolutely able to save the life of this person due to the technological partnership with RapidDeploy and their game changing services.”

- Joe Orozco, Public Information Officer of the Salt River Police Department (SRPD)

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Dispatchers received a distress call from a witness who heard a man yelling for help near the Granite Reef dam.

Recognizing the urgency, the call was quickly transferred to the SRPD. Utilizing RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping, real-time text was initiated to the witness, enabling telecommunicators to capture the caller’s exact latitude and longitude, pinpointing the location.

This critical information provided enhanced real-time communications, which allowed emergency services to efficiently locate and navigate their way to reach the man in distress, and ultimately, save his life. 

RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping is leveraged across the state of Arizona. By harnessing the power of RapidDeploy's Next Generation call-taking map, telecommunicators, first responders and 911 agencies are equipped with the tools they need to improve emergency response and drive life-saving outcomes.

Watch the incredible save story from the SRPD team in Arizona here:


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August 1, 2024
Press Release
RapidDeploy Honors Florida 911 Telecommunicator with Superstar Award for Lifesaving Response

AUSTIN, Texas (August 1, 2024) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – RapidDeploy, the leading cloud-native solution provider for public safety, is proud to honor 911 telecommunicator Ashley Willis with the prestigious RapidDeploy Superstar Award for her use of RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping technology to save a life.

On May 1, 2023, Ashley Willis (previously Rodriguez) received a 911 call that appeared as a “signal” on RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping technology. The signal indicated a 911 call that was immediately dropped. With access to the precise caller location on her 911 agency’s primary call-taking map, Radius Mapping, Ashley quickly sent officers to the location of the dropped call while simultaneously calling the number back. Despite no answer to her call back attempt, her rapid response to the situation resulted in responding officers saving the caller, a 7-month pregnant victim of domestic violence. The timely intervention led to the arrest of the suspect and ensured the safety of the victim.  

“Ashley Willis demonstrated extraordinary dedication and quick action during a critical moment,” said Steve Raucher, RapidDeploy CEO and co-founder. “We are proud to honor her life-saving actions and commitment to public safety, which speaks to the heart and mission of RapidDeploy and all first responders.”

RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping technology empowers telecommunicators with advanced tools, including access to precise caller locations, the ability to initiate video calls, and text messaging with callers. The advanced location precision capability of Radius Mapping played a critical role in providing critical technology to the Indialantic Police Department during this incident, enabling the first responder to coordinate resources quickly and deliver life-saving assistance.

While most dropped 911 calls do not indicate an emergency, Willis noticed the disconnected call on her screen and took swift action. "I’m constantly checking my screens and my maps, and I am so thankful I was able to see the call location. This time it really mattered, and I was able to help," said Willis.

The Superstar Award reflects RapidDeploy's ongoing commitment to recognize first responders' extraordinary efforts and highlight the impact of innovative technology on emergency response. By showcasing real-life examples of heroism and the capabilities of RapidDeploy's NG911 solutions, RapidDeploy aims to inspire and empower first responders with access to mission-critical data to drive faster, more effective emergency responses.

To learn more on this story, see the award presentation, and watch video coverage from inside the Indialantic Police Department, read our blog post.

May 28, 2024
Teen Texts 911, Saves Self from Human Trafficking in Ventura County
April 16, 2024
Press Release
Maui County 911 Center Honored with RapidDeploy Superstar Award for Heroic Efforts During Maui Fires - Proving That Telecommunicators are the “First” First Responders

AUSTIN, Texas (April 16, 2024) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – RapidDeploy, the leading cloud-native solution provider for public safety, has proudly awarded Maui County 911 with the prestigious RapidDeploy Superstar Award in recognition of their exceptional performance during the wildfires that devastated Maui on August 8, 2023.

Maui County telecommunicators played a pivotal role in responding to the catastrophic fires, answering over 4,500 calls in a single day, nearly triple the usual volume. Despite the immense pressure and uncertainty, the telecommunicators remained steadfast in their commitment to public safety, guiding community members to safety and coordinating an exceptional emergency response effort.

"The Maui County team demonstrated extraordinary courage and dedication during one of the most challenging disasters in recent history," said Steve Raucher, RapidDeploy CEO and co-founder. "Their selfless actions and tireless efforts saved lives and protected the community during a time of crisis."

RapidDeploy's Next Generation 911 (NG911) technology empowers telecommunicators with advanced tools and capabilities, including access to precise caller locations, text messaging with callers, and the ability to initiate video calls. The innovative features of RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping technology played a critical role in supporting Maui County telecommunicators during the wildfires, enabling them to coordinate resources and deliver life-saving assistance efficiently.

"We're proud to honor the Maui County team for their heroic actions and unwavering commitment to public safety," added Raucher. "Their exemplary service sets a standard of excellence for emergency response nationwide."

The Superstar Award reflects RapidDeploy's ongoing commitment to recognize first responders' extraordinary efforts and highlight innovative technology's impact on emergency response. By showcasing real-life examples of heroism and the capabilities of RapidDeploy's NG911 solutions, RapidDeploy aims to inspire and empower first responders with access to mission-critical data to drive faster, more effective emergency responses.

Maui Police Department Chief John Pelletier expressed his gratitude for the award and its potential impact on recruitment efforts, stating, "Awards like this showcase the vital role of telecommunicators and help attract top talent to our department. We're proud to recognize our telecommunicators as the true heroes they are."

RapidDeploy has shared a video capturing this Superstar Award story and ceremony here. For more information about RapidDeploy and its technology solutions for public safety, visit

About RapidDeploy:

Founded in 2016, and based in Austin, TX, RapidDeploy is the leading cloud-native platform for public safety. We provide Next Generation 911 solutions that deliver intelligent information throughout the emergency response journey, empowering agencies and first responders to drive better outcomes in mission-critical situations. With a curated partner network, our platform combines mobile signals, critical datasets, and call information into a single operating system, improving emergency response with location accuracy, situational awareness, modern communications, and actionable insights. Our products improve outcomes and ultimately save lives. In 2024, RapidDeploy earned recognition for the 7th year in a row as a prominent company to watch on the GovTech 100 list, and as a winner on Fast Company’s 2024 Most Innovative Company list. Learn more at

April 3, 2024
Dispatchers awarded RapidDeploy Superstar honor
March 6, 2024
RapidDeploy's Radius Mapping Offers Life-Saving Text Messages
January 16, 2024
Press Release
Radius Map Markups Save Critical Resources During Blizzard in Rice County, Kansas
Rice County, Kansas, January 16th, 2024 – Amidst blizzard conditions on January 8th, 2024, Rice County faced significant challenges, with eleven inches of snow and 41 mph winds in a 16-hour period. The Rice County Emergency Communications Center (RCECC) responded to thirty-nine traffic hazards during this intense weather event.

RCECC effectively employed a groundbreaking map markup feature within RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping Solution. This innovative enhancement empowered telecommunicators to pinpoint the exact location of vehicles on the 911 map, providing detailed information including latitude, longitude, and vehicle description. RCECC Team Member, Scott Dellinger indicated, “We could verify that an officer had already checked the vehicle and everyone was safe.”

This strategic use of the new map markup feature ensured that critical resources were efficiently allocated, addressing thirty-nine traffic hazards, and allowing RCECC to manage over thirty additional emergency calls. Director Josh Michaelis emphasized, “Implementing emerging technologies such as map markups improves safety for both responders and citizens.”

The successful deployment of this technology not only highlights RCECC's and the Kansas 911 Coordinating Council’s commitment to leveraging innovative tools, but also highlights how advancements in emergency communication technology can significantly enhance public safety during challenging weather conditions.

Cutline:RCECC Team Member Scott Dellinger, QA
October 18, 2023
Riverside County Communications Officer Gonzalez Receives RapidDeploy "Superstar" Award for Lifesaving Technology Use
October 18, 2023
Officer Awarded for Work using Text Feature to Save Kidnapping Victim
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