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How Transfer Call Data Analytics Can Improve Interoperability

In the world of emergency response, interoperability—effective communication and coordination between various public safety agencies—is a critical requirement. Seamless communication between 911 call centers, fire departments, police, and EMS can save lives, reduce response times, and ensure the safety of both the public and first responders. However, achieving this level of interoperability is easier said than done––especially when call transfers are involved.

Public safety agencies are frequently siloed, operating within separate jurisdictions, each with a uniquely configured call-taking ecosystem tailored to their specific needs, including distinct communication systems, call-handling platforms, and tactical mapping solutions. When a 911 call is received, it’s not always clear which agency should respond, especially if the incident occurs near jurisdictional boundaries or if specialized resources are needed. This can lead to call transfers between emergency communication centers, resulting in unnecessary and costly delays, miscommunication, and potentially life-threatening situations.  

To improve interoperability, it is vital to analyze transfer call data to uncover inefficiencies and improve how agencies work together––ultimately enhancing public safety. A key component that can impact the need for transfers is location-based routing, a method that ensures 911 calls are immediately routed to the most appropriate agency, reducing errors and delays.

In this blog post, we'll explore how transfer call data analytics is driving significant improvements in interoperability.

The Role of Data Analytics in Modern Emergency Services

Interoperability ensures agencies can communicate with each other smoothly, share critical information, and coordinate efforts. However, achieving true interoperability requires more than just compatible systems; it requires data-driven insights into how calls are transferred and how agencies can work more efficiently together.  

Emergency response agencies collect enormous amounts of data, from the details of individual 911 calls to broader metrics on call data and staffing. Traditionally, this data was often siloed or underutilized, analyzed only after major incidents or for auditing purposes. However, the rise of data analytics platforms has changed the technological landscape by making it possible to analyze and use this data in real-time.

Agencies can now identify patterns, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies they might otherwise miss. For instance, if certain types of calls are consistently transferred between agencies or jurisdictions, this might indicate the need for clearer protocols or better tools for handling those situations.

Data analytics also provides insights into the human aspect of emergency response. Transfer delays or misrouted calls can highlight where additional training is needed or where systems need to be improved. With this information, agencies can make data-driven decisions to improve both their internal operations and their ability to work with other agencies.

Key Metrics in Transfer Call Data Analysis

When analyzing transfer call data, several key metrics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of emergency response systems:

  • Answer Time to Transfer: How long it takes between when a 911 call is initially answered by a PSAP and when that call is transferred to another PSAP or emergency response agency.  A longer time-to-transfer may indicate communication breakdowns or unclear jurisdictional boundaries.
  • Transfer Frequency: How often calls are transferred between agencies. A high frequency can suggest inefficiencies in the call-routing process, possibly due to outdated location data or system limitations.
  • Process Time: How long it takes an agency to handle a call after arrival. This metric can help agencies determine if transferring a call adds significant delays.
  • Misrouted Calls: How many calls were transferred to the wrong agency. By analyzing misrouted calls, agencies can uncover the root causes of these errors, which may be related to incorrect location data, outdated maps, or unclear protocols.

By analyzing these metrics, agencies can pinpoint specific areas where they need to make changes to enhance interoperability.

Location-Based Routing of Calls and Its Effect on Interoperability

One of the most important advances in improving interoperability is location-based routing. Traditional 911 call-routing systems often rely on static boundaries, such as ZIP codes or jurisdictional lines, which can lead to misrouted calls––especially near boundary areas. However, with real-time location-based routing, calls can be directed to the most appropriate agency based on the caller’s actual location, rather than relying on static maps.

For example, if a caller near a county line experiences an emergency, traditional routing methods might send the call to the wrong county's dispatch center, leading to a call transfer and a delay in response. With accurate location-based routing, that call can be sent directly to the correct agency from the start. Location-based routing can improve call routing accuracy and speed to emergency response since agencies no longer need to waste time figuring out which jurisdiction the call falls under; instead, they can focus on responding to the emergency. This is especially crucial in life-or-death situations, where every second counts.

Real-World Applications of Transfer Call Data Analytics

At the core of this transformation is RapidDeploy's Eclipse Analytics platform, a tool that provides agencies with insights drawn from data such as answer times, call transfer rates, and call time statistics. PSAPs that have adopted platforms like Eclipse Analytics have seen marked improvements in interoperability, thanks to better insights into their transfer call data.

For example, some regions have identified that a significant percentage of calls are being transferred due to unclear or out-of-date PSAP boundaries. By analyzing the transfer data, these agencies were able to update their location-based routing protocols, wireless traffic plans, and/or their PSAP boundaries, reducing the number of transfers and improving response times.

In another case, a jurisdiction discovered that 911 calls were being transferred between a primary and multiple secondary PSAPs, causing delays in response times. These misrouted calls were primarily due to incorrect or out-of-date response boundaries or errors in Emergency Service Number (ESN) tables, which are critical for determining where calls should be directed. By leveraging transfer call data analytics, the jurisdiction was able to pinpoint the root cause of these misroutes. They used this information to update their routing protocols, improve coordination between primary and secondary PSAPs, and ensure that each agency had a clearly defined role in handling specific types of emergencies. This led to a reduction in unnecessary call transfers, streamlined the overall response process, and improved the accuracy of call routing, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient emergency responses.

These examples demonstrate the power of data analytics in uncovering inefficiencies and driving real-world improvements in how agencies work together. Transfer call data provides the insights needed to make informed decisions, leading to better coordination, faster response times, and ultimately, improved public safety.

Fostering Interagency Collaboration through Data

Improved collaboration between agencies is one of the most significant benefits of analyzing transfer call data. Traditionally, many public safety agencies have operated in silos, with limited data sharing between them. However, as the need for interoperability has grown, so has the importance of data sharing.

By analyzing key metrics such as time-to-transfer, process times, and misrouted calls, agencies can identify inefficiencies and make data-driven decisions. Additionally, transfer call data offers agencies a shared dataset they can use to improve coordination and communication. For example, if one agency sees that a high number of calls are being transferred to a neighboring jurisdiction, they can work together to develop better protocols and communication strategies. Data sharing allows for a more holistic approach to public safety, with agencies working together rather than in isolation.

When both agencies are using the same technology––such as RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping––this collaboration becomes even more effective. With access to real-time, location-based data, both agencies can visualize incidents on the same map, reducing confusion and allowing for more seamless hand-offs. This enables telecommunicators to transfer calls with greater precision and confidence, as both systems are aligned on the incident’s location and the most appropriate responding units.  

The ability to see the same information in real-time empowers agencies to make quicker, more informed decisions, ultimately improving the speed and effectiveness of their response. In addition, insights gained from transfer call data can drive policy changes and standardize procedures across jurisdictions. When all agencies are working from the same data and using similar platforms like Radius Mapping, interoperability becomes much easier to achieve.

Looking to the Future: Data Analytics as a Catalyst for Change

The future of public safety lies in the continued advancement of data analytics and interoperability. As Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems are rolled out across the country, the importance of location-based routing and real-time data sharing will only grow. Emerging technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, have the potential to further change the way agencies analyze transfer call data, providing even more accurate predictions and insights.

Looking ahead, data analytics platforms like RapidDeploy’s Eclipse Analytics will play an essential role in building fully interoperable, efficient emergency response systems. The insights gained from transfer call data analytics will help agencies improve their response times, reduce errors, and foster better collaboration across jurisdictional lines. Additionally, location-based routing can improve how 911 calls are handled, reducing the need for call transfers and improving response times. As these platforms continue to evolve, so will the level of service they provide to public safety professionals and the communities they serve.

In a world where every second counts, transfer call data analytics may be the key to unlocking a more efficient, interoperable emergency response system. Now is the time for agencies to invest in these technologies and take the next step toward a safer, more connected future.

NG911 Interoperability: The Critical Role of Neighboring Counties

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the necessity for seamless communication systems across Public Safety agencies has never been more apparent. Nowhere is this more vital than in emergency services. Next Generation 911 (NG911) technology is changing the way emergency services respond to crises, offering enhanced capabilities like text, video, and data sharing that go far beyond traditional voice calls. However, one of the most significant challenges and opportunities NG911 presents is interoperability—particularly among neighboring counties.

The Promise and Challenge of NG911

NG911 represents a transformative upgrade to the traditional 911 system, allowing emergency communication centers (ECCs) to receive, process, and respond to calls in a way that’s more aligned with modern technological capabilities. This system is designed to handle not only voice but also SMS, images, video, and data from the growing array of connected devices in use today.

However, the true potential of NG911 is only fully realized when different jurisdictions can seamlessly share this information. Emergency situations often don’t respect geographic boundaries—natural disasters, large-scale accidents, and criminal activities can span multiple counties, making it crucial that neighboring ECCs work together effectively. This need for interoperability brings both technical and organizational challenges.

Why Interoperability Matters

Interoperability is the ability of different systems, devices, or applications to work together within and across organizational boundaries. In the context of NG911, interoperability ensures that emergency communications and data flow smoothly between different jurisdictions, regardless of the technology or systems they use.

For example, consider a large-scale wildfire that spreads across multiple counties. Responding effectively requires coordination between fire departments, law enforcement, and emergency medical services from all affected areas. If the emergency communication systems in these counties can’t share information in real-time, the response will be fragmented, potentially leading to delays, miscommunications, and a higher risk of harm to first responders, victims, and property.

The Role of Neighboring Counties in NG911 Interoperability

Neighboring counties play a crucial role in achieving NG911 interoperability. Here’s how they contribute to this essential capability:

1. Mutual Aid and Shared Critical CAD Incident Resource Locations

In emergency situations, the ability to quickly and effectively mobilize resources across county lines is crucial. Mutual aid agreements between neighboring counties have long been a cornerstone of emergency response, allowing counties to share personnel, equipment, and expertise during incidents that surpass the capacity of a single jurisdiction. NG911 takes these agreements to the next level by enabling the seamless sharing of critical incident data and resource locations through integrated Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems.

When an emergency occurs—whether it's a natural disaster, large-scale accident, or criminal activity—the ability to view and share real-time information about the incident and available resources can significantly improve response times and coordination. Through NG911, neighboring counties can access shared CAD data, giving them a comprehensive view of ongoing incidents across county lines. This shared visibility allows telecommunicators and responders to make informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring that the right assets are deployed where they’re needed most.

For example, if a wildfire spreads across multiple counties, having shared CAD systems enables all affected counties to see the location and status of firefighting units, water tankers, and other critical resources in real-time. This prevents the duplication of efforts and ensures that resources are used as efficiently as possible, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the emergency response.

Shared CAD data also strengthens mutual aid efforts by providing a clear, real-time picture of resource availability and incident loads. This allows counties to better manage mutual aid requests, ensuring that resources are dispatched from areas with lower demand to those in greater need. Additionally, by having access to detailed incident information from neighboring counties, responders can better anticipate the needs of their counterparts and provide targeted assistance.

The integration of mutual aid with shared CAD incident and resource locations not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency responses but also fosters stronger collaboration and trust between neighboring counties. By leveraging NG911 technology to enhance mutual aid efforts, counties can ensure they are better prepared to handle large-scale or complex incidents, protecting the safety and well-being of their communities.

2. Common Operating Picture

One of the key benefits of NG911 is the ability to create a common operating picture across different jurisdictions. A common operating picture is a shared view of an incident that provides all responding agencies with the same information in real-time. This is crucial for ensuring that all responders are working from the same playbook, reducing the chances of miscommunication or conflicting actions.

For neighboring counties, having a common operating picture means that during an emergency, every ECC has access to the same data, maps, and communication streams. This allows for a more cohesive response effort, even when multiple jurisdictions are involved. A shared common operating picture is useful in small scale incidents or is especially important for large-scale incidents like natural disasters, where coordination across county lines is essential for effective response and recovery efforts.

Critical incident boards are an essential tool in supporting interoperability with neighboring counties, as they provide a centralized, real-time display of all relevant incident information. These boards allow multiple ECCs and first responders across jurisdictions to view and update key details such as unit status, resource locations, and incident progress. By offering a shared platform for visualizing the full scope of an emergency, critical incident boards ensure that all involved parties—from telecommunicators to field units—are aligned and can make informed, coordinated decisions. This unified approach helps eliminate communication gaps and enhances the overall efficiency of the multi-county response effort.

3. Interjurisdictional Training and Drills

Interoperability isn’t just about technology—it’s also about people. Training and drills that involve multiple counties are critical for ensuring that responders are familiar with each other’s systems and procedures. These exercises help identify potential gaps in communication and coordination before they become critical issues during an actual emergency.

For neighboring counties, regular interjurisdictional training sessions can foster better collaboration and trust among responders. It also provides an opportunity to test the interoperability of NG911 systems in a controlled environment, allowing counties to refine their processes and ensure they’re prepared for real-world scenarios.

4. Communication and Collaboration through Interagency Chat

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful emergency response. NG911 enhances the ability of neighboring counties to communicate and collaborate in real-time through interagency chat systems. These platforms allow emergency communication centers (ECCs) from different counties to engage in continuous, secure dialogue, sharing critical updates, and coordinating their efforts seamlessly.

Interagency chat facilitates instant communication between PSAPs, law enforcement, fire departments, and other emergency responders across county lines. For example, if an incident occurs near a county border, telecommunicators using Radius Mapping can use RapidDeploy’s interagency chat functionality to immediately inform their counterparts in the neighboring county, share situational updates, and coordinate resource deployment. This real-time collaboration ensures that all responders are on the same page, reducing response times and improving the overall effectiveness of the emergency response. Read a real-world example of how interagency chat helped during an active shooter incident here.

The use of interagency chat also helps build stronger relationships between neighboring counties. Regular communication fosters trust and familiarity, making it easier to collaborate during emergencies. By leveraging these chat systems, counties can ensure that their responses are not only timely but also unified, maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of their efforts.

5. Enhancing Interoperability with RapidDeploy’s Lightning Mobile Application

RapidDeploy’s Lightning mobile application plays a crucial role in enhancing NG911 interoperability, particularly when it comes to collaboration between neighboring counties. Lightning is designed to provide first responders and ECCs with the tools they need to stay connected, informed, and responsive, no matter where they are.

One of the key benefits of Lightning is its ability to deliver real-time incident data and situational awareness directly to responders in the field. Whether a responder is operating within their home county or providing mutual aid in a neighboring jurisdiction, Lightning ensures that they have access to the most up-to-date information. This is particularly important in situations where incidents span multiple counties, as it allows all responders to operate from a shared understanding of the situation, even if they are from different agencies.

Lightning supports interoperability by enabling responders from different counties to communicate and share data seamlessly. For example, during a multi-county response to a natural disaster, responders using Lightning can view and update critical incident details, track resource deployments, and communicate with telecommunicators and other field units in real-time. This level of connectivity ensures that everyone involved in the response is on the same page, reducing the potential for miscommunication and improving the overall coordination of efforts.

Another significant feature of Lightning is its ability to integrate with existing CAD systems and NG911 infrastructure. This integration allows for the automatic sharing of incident data and resource locations between neighboring counties, enhancing the overall situational awareness of all involved parties. By providing the same information as Radius Mapping, Lightning acts as an extension of this system, and ensures that responders can make informed decisions quickly, regardless of where they are or which jurisdiction they belong to.

Lightning’s mobile capabilities mean that responders are not tethered to a central command center; they can receive updates, adjust plans, and coordinate with other units while on the move. This flexibility is particularly valuable in rural or remote areas where traditional communication infrastructure may be limited, and where responders from multiple counties may need to work together in challenging environments.

By facilitating real-time communication, data sharing, and resource tracking across county lines, RapidDeploy’s Lightning mobile application plays a pivotal role in strengthening NG911 interoperability. It empowers first responders to act swiftly and cohesively, ensuring that when emergencies cross borders, the response remains seamless and effective. Neighboring counties that leverage Lightning as part of their NG911 strategy are better positioned to collaborate and respond to emergencies, ultimately enhancing public safety across their communities.

The Path Forward: Building a Stronger, More Interconnected Emergency Response System

As NG911 technology continues to evolve, the importance of interoperability among neighboring counties will only grow. By working together, counties can overcome the challenges of technology compatibility, funding, and governance to build a more robust and effective emergency response system.

Neighboring counties that prioritize interoperability will be better equipped to handle large-scale emergencies, ensuring that they can respond quickly and effectively to protect the property of citizens, and the lives of citizens and first responders. By embracing NG911 and the opportunities it offers for interoperability, counties can create a safer, more resilient community for everyone.

In conclusion, NG911 interoperability is not just a technical goal but a critical public safety imperative. Neighboring counties have a unique role to play in making this vision a reality, ensuring that when emergencies strike, their communities are ready to respond—together.

Conway, Arkansas Elevates Public Safety with RapidDeploy’s Next Generation 911 Technology

We are thrilled to announce that the City of Conway, Arkansas, has chosen RapidDeploy’s Next Generation 911 technology suite to elevate their emergency response capabilities. This enhancement marks a pivotal moment in the city’s ongoing commitment to public safety and the modernization of its emergency communications infrastructure.  


At RapidDeploy, we understand the importance of empowering first responders with the most advanced tools available to ensure every emergency receives the fastest, most effective response possible. Conway’s Mayor Bart Castleberry echoed this sentiment in Conway’s press release announcing their system upgrade, saying, “Our commitment to public safety drives us to adopt cutting-edge technology that benefits the people of Conway. The new system will provide our telecommunicators with the tools they need to help our first responders rapidly respond to emergency situations. We’re proud to lead the way in emergency response innovation.”

The implementation of NG911 is more than just a technical upgrade—it’s a game-changer in how emergency responses are managed. By providing first responders with real-time, actionable data, the City of Conway will ensure telecommunicators are equipped to drive faster, more effective and safer incident response.  

Important features Conway telecommunicators will have access to include:

  • Real-Time Traffic Insights: With live traffic maps and alerts integrated directly into the system, telecommunicators can guide first responders around congestion, ensuring help arrives as quickly as possible.
  • Health Information Readily Available: When every second counts, having access to key medical information can be crucial. Telecommunicators can now access health details previously shared by callers, such as medical conditions, allergies, and medications, and relay this information to first responders.
  • SMS Emergency Messaging: Emergencies don't always allow for a phone call. RapidDeploy’s platform supports SMS messaging, providing a discreet way for people to communicate with 911 during situations where speaking aloud could put them in danger.
  • Live Video from the Scene: Visual information is a powerful tool in emergency response. With RapidDeploy, telecommunicators can view live video feeds from the scene, offering a clear, real-time understanding of the situation and improving responses.

Our platform is trusted by over 1,500 ECCs nationwide, providing an intuitive, data-driven solution that integrates seamlessly with existing systems. By empowering telecommunicators and first responders with real-time information, we help ensure that every emergency receives the swiftest, most effective response possible.

The City of Conway’s adoption of NG911 represents more than just a technological upgrade—it’s a pivotal step towards a safer, more responsive community. With RapidDeploy, Conway is leading the charge in emergency response innovation and helping to set a new standard for public safety. The future of emergency response is here, and it’s transforming lives every day.

Empowering First Responders: Key Takeaways from APCO 2024

We’ve just returned from the annual APCO 2024 conference in Orlando, Florida, where Hurricane Debby made landfall and caused a few bumps in the road, including canceled flights, flooding, and schedule changes, but nothing that the first responders at the conference couldn’t handle! We spent four days at APCO taking notes, roaming the exhibit hall, and talking to customers, and we’re excited to share our top five takeaways from the event.  

As the premier gathering for public safety communications officials, APCO offers a unique opportunity to explore new solutions and connect with public safety industry leaders.  This year, our key takeways from the conference focus on how our technology empowers the connected first responder, enhances school safety, and drives innovation in public safety. Let’s dive into the highlights! 

1. Revolutionizing Emergency Response: The Connected First Responder

At RapidDeploy, our mission is to empower the Connected First Responder with state-of-the-art technology and tools that make a real difference in emergency situations. During APCO 2024, we demonstrated to clients and prospective customers how our Lightning app, integrated with Radius Mapping, is transforming public safety by giving responders instant access to critical data like text, video, and real-time location information – all at their fingertips! 

Imagine a first responder arriving at a scene with everything they need right on their mobile device. The Lightning app seamlessly integrates with NG911 systems to provide real-time analytics, enabling responders to make informed decisions faster than ever before. It’s all about giving them the tools they need to respond more efficiently and effectively, and the Lightning app is a critical component of effective emergency response and delivers on the promise of NG911. 


2. Advancing School Safety: Protecting Our Future

School safety is a top priority in public safety, and we’re leveraging the Lightning app to make educational environments safer. At APCO 2024, our COO Dami Bullock, participated in a panel session with Metro Nashville, AT&T, FirstNet, and NTT Data Services on the NG911 Case Study: Nashville School Shooting, where experts from these organizations discussed strategies for improving school safety with advanced technology. This session highlighted the importance of rapid and informed response in crisis situations. 

We are proud to partner with AT&T, FirstNet, and Critical Response Group (CRG) to amplify school safety measures. By integrating CRG's detailed indoor maps into our Radius Mapping, first responders gain access to enhanced tools and precise location information during critical incidents. This integration offers essential capabilities, such as: 

  • Panic Buttons: Allowing immediate alerts to emergency services 
  • Real-Time CCTV Video: Providing visual insights to first responders on the scene
  • Indoor Floor Plans: Enabling efficient navigation and strategic planning during emergencies

These capabilities make it easier for emergency teams to respond swiftly and effectively, ensuring the safety of students and staff. We are committed to empowering first responders with the resources they need to protect students and staff, fostering a more secure and responsive school environment. 

Download our Transforming School Safety with Next Generation 911 Solutions Ebook to learn more about these vital features and join us in making schools safer and more prepared for any emergency. 

3. Community Building: Scavenger Hunt and Partner Collaborations

Following the success of our scavenger hunt at NENA 2024, we brought the fun back to APCO 2024! The exhibit hall scavenger hunt was a hit, encouraging attendees to explore our partners’ booths, solve riddles, and discover the innovative solutions we offer. It was a fantastic way to build connections and emphasize the collaborative spirit that drives public safety innovation. 

Partnerships are at the heart of our mission and working with organizations like Critical Response Group (CRG),  OnStar, PulsePoint, FirstNet Built with AT&T, GeoComm, and  1Spatial expands our capabilities, allowing us to deliver real-time data and advanced tools to first responders. These collaborations enhance our NG911 landscape, helping us lead the charge in public safety advancements. 

In addition to the scavenger hunt, RapidDeploy was also proud to host the Women in 911 Mixer, an inspiring evening celebrating the incredible contributions women make to the emergency response field.  

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We love bringing people together, and these events showcased our commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. 

Watch our scavenger hunt recap below to see the fun with the public safety and our partner community.


4. Building Effective Emergency Response for Live Events

APCO 2024 offered an ideal setting to explore the challenges and solutions for emergency response during large-scale events. In a session led by Steve Raucher, CEO of RapidDeploy, Jerel Frazier, 911 Program Coordinator for Arizona, and Karen Sutherland, Support Services Director for Scottsdale Police Department, the focus was on preparing Scottsdale/Glendale and surrounding areas for events like the Waste Management Open and Superbowl LVII.

In this session the speakers provided insight on:

  • GIS and Digital Mapping: Using satellite and indoor maps to enhance situational awareness during live events
  • Unified Communications: Ensuring smooth communication across jurisdictions
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Developing adaptable SOPs for live events

A particularly impactful moment came when Karen from the Scottsdale PD shared a real-world incident from the night before in Arizona. The Scottsdale Police Department had just trained on RapidDeploy’s Interagency Chat tool, which they used that evening during an active shooter situation at a local grocery store.  

The interactive chat tool served as a secure, real-time communication channel between two PSAPs in different jurisdictions, and allowed them to quickly exchange information on incoming calls, what was happening live on the scene, and to help coordinate law enforcement, SWAT, and firefighters across different jurisdictions, who established a perimeter around the incident, ultimately improving decision-making and management of the crisis.

The Scottsdale Police Department's quick application of this NG911 tool highlighted the immediate value of RapidDeploy’s technology in real-world emergencies. This session emphasized the importance of continuous training and adaptable solutions that can be deployed quickly in critical situations.


5. Real-World Success Stories: Driving Adoption Across ECCs

Change management and training were hot topics at APCO 2024. In partnership with NCT9-1-1, we shared insights into the challenges and successes of implementing NG911 systems. The key takeaway? Effective change management is all about stakeholder engagement, comprehensive training, and ongoing support. 

NCT9-1-1’s experience showcases the transformative power of NG911 technology in: 

  • Data Accuracy: Providing precise emergency information for better decision-making 
  • Improved Communication: Streamlining operations for faster response times 
  • Efficient Operations: Reducing response times with optimized processes 

The onboarding process, supported by the RapidDeploy Academy and in-app tutorials, ensures ECCs are ready to leverage NG911’s full potential. Our customer experience team provides targeted training and step-by-step instructions to help organizations embrace new technology effectively. There is a need to emphasize a culture of continuous learning and innovation, and regularly updating training and technology needs to meet evolving emergency response needs. Being able to build trust and transparency with the community is crucial, and we strive to educate the public about NG911 to foster confidence in these systems.

Committed to a Safer Tomorrow

APCO 2024 showcased the public safety community’s dedication to transforming emergency response through innovation and collaboration. We are continuously inspired by the courage and commitment of first responders and are driven to support all first responders with solutions that make every moment matter. Together, we are building a future where communities feel safer, stronger, and more connected than ever before. 

Agents on a Mission: Employee Spotlight on RapidDeploy's Lemanja Mears

Hi, my name is  Lemanja, and I am a Technical Writer for RapidDeploy. I am on the Product team, based out of Bellville, South Africa. I chose to be a technical writer at RapidDeploy (RD) because I am passionate about technology that makes a tangible difference in people’s lives. What I love about my role is that I can match my analytical and technical skills with my enthusiasm for content creation. Knowing that each effort I make (no matter how small) can potentially save a life is important to me.  

On a more personal note, I love to be outdoors, travel with loved ones and friends, dancing, and wine tasting. I’ve globe-trotted to 13 different countries, earned the honorary title of Grandma, and spent years rocking out in a folk band. I am a runner who has collected a stash of silver medals from half-marathon runs and used to be a fitness dance instructor.  

Get to know Lemanja as she shares more about her experience working at RD over the last three years in Product.  

What originally attracted you to work at RD? The mission. It helps me to live and offer service with a purpose.  

What do you like about working at RapidDeploy? The awesome team, the mission to help save lives, working fully remote, and the work culture. I get the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in saving lives. I appreciate the flexibility of working remote in a well-organized system structure. We use Teams channels which significantly enhances communication and collaboration not only on my team, but all teams across the org. I regularly talk and communicate with others via Team’s chat, meetings, email, and events.

How do RapidDeploy’s values align with your personal values? I am driven by a passion to make a difference, and I believe that succeeding at RD requires a deep commitment to help save lives. My personal connection to this mission is profound: eight years ago, my daughter was in a severe car accident and the quick response of first responders saved her life. She was in critical condition on a rural road, and it was only thanks to the timely discovery by one of her friends that she received the help she needed. The experience greatly impacted my life and made me realize the critical importance of accurate location data and the impact it can have on helping to save a life in an emergency.  

How would you describe RD’s company culture? Vibrant and forward-thinking, with a strong emphasis on inclusivity and positivity. The team is composed of innovative, culturally aware individuals who maintain a “glass half-full” attitude and are passionate about making a meaningful impact.  

Can you describe a time when teamwork was essential to your success? Teamwork is ALWAYS essential at RD -so, all of my projects.

Describe your role and what your day-to-day responsibilities look like. As a technical writer, my role focuses on supporting our internal RD audience (stakeholders such as Product Management, Customer Success, Implementation, Support, Training, Experience, and our U.S. Sales team) with clear and accurate product documentation. Daily, you will find me creating and updating product documentation and collaborating closely with subject matter experts (SMEs), including Project Managers, Product Owners, and Engineers, on various documentation tasks. These tasks include documenting new features for Eclipse, Radius, and Lightning, mapping out the user experience, compiling content in our internal wiki, obtaining sign-off from SMEs, and distributing the finalized documentation to internal audiences. This documentation unlocks additional go-to-market activities such as videos and release notes created by the training team.

What are some key projects you have worked on? When I first joined RD, there was no centralized space to share our technical writing and communications. Documents were hard to manage and access because of the lack of structure, which made it difficult when we introduced new features, provided usage instructions, and explained configurations in simple terms. Sprint reports were basic and lacked detailed context, so I took the initiative to develop a comprehensive product documentation system and wiki which is our single source of truth and is easily accessible. I selected Confluence as our tool for this, which has been the most user-friendly platform for this purpose. Other meaningful projects I have worked on at RD include updating and creating essential security documents. I think creating the product documentation wiki for Radius, Lightning and Eclipse has had the most significant impact for the company and therefore our customers.  

How has your career progressed since you started at RD and what opportunities for professional development have you taken advantage of? Initially, I was hired as a temporary employee and became full-time. I received my Chartered IT Professional certification which specializes in technical writing) as well as a WordPress certification. I have completed numerous courses and certifications since starting at RD and received numerous training sessions from a senior QA Engineer, Marcy. I am currently excited about transitioning into a QA role. I love that RD offers paths for professional development courses which allows me to grow.  

What professional achievements are you most proud of while working at RD? My Chartered IT Professional qualification and the product documentation wiki.

What resources are available to help you succeed? In addition to the excellent onboarding process, RD LMS, and tools, I appreciate the ability to access LinkedIn Learning at any time, and the support from qualified team members who are available to assist as needed. RD has a wonderful tuition and professional development allowance that anyone can take advantage of.  

How does RapidDeploy support you in your role, both professionally and personally? RD helped me by providing the additional documentation needed for my Chartered IT Professional qualification. Additionally, I am grateful and excited to have been offered the opportunity to transition into a QA role.

What’s a memorable moment or project for you at RD? Radius v5 was particularly memorable due to the extensive hours spent leading teams and SMEs while ensuring we met rigorous documentation requirements.  

How does RapidDeploy accommodate your family and personal life? Work-life balance is highly valued at RapidDeploy. I had a memorable experience when my grandchild was born in Amsterdam. RD supported me by allowing me to work remotely from Europe, which gave me valuable time to spend with my family during this special occasion. Also, when my mother was in the hospital  and I needed to take family leave, RD was incredibly accommodating and understanding throughout the situation.

What do you do personally to maintain a healthy work-life balance? For me, maintaining a healthy work-life balance here has largely achieved by staying deadline-driven and employing effective planning and implementation skills.  There is a lack of micro-management, and I am able to adopt a “project completion and deadline-oriented” approach which provides essential flexibility.

What are you most excited about for the future of RapidDeploy? Radius and Lightning, and the impact this combination will make.

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Superstar Award Spotlight: How Radius Mapping Precise Location Data and Quick Thinking Saved a Life

When telecommunicator Ashley Willis (previously Rodriguez) saw an attempted 911 call appear on her primary call mapping screen, she immediately sprang into action. Using RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping technology, she pinpointed the exact location of the dropped call, immediately deployed officers to the location, and simultaneously called back the number. Despite no answer, Ashley’s instincts told her something was wrong, and she quickly coordinated a response.

Her actions proved crucial. Upon arriving at the scene, officers discovered a 7-month pregnant woman who had been a victim of domestic abuse. Thanks to Ashley’s rapid response, the suspect was promptly arrested, and the victim was given life-saving assistance.  

The advanced capabilities of RapidDeploy’s Radius Mapping technology played a vital role in this successful rescue. By providing precise caller location data, Ashley was able to use that pinpoint to give her the exact address of the dropped call and to coordinate an effective response, showcasing how advanced NG911 tools and human intuition can work together in emergency situations.

On July 10, 2024, RapidDeploy was thrilled to honor Ashley’s life-saving actions and present to Ashley the prestigious RapidDeploy Superstar award, which acknowledges the resourcefulness and resilience of those on the front lines. Whether it’s the first call coming in or the teams in the field, we continue to be inspired by the heroic work of first responders.  

“Ashley Willis demonstrated extraordinary dedication and quick action during a critical moment,” said Steve Raucher, RapidDeploy CEO and co-founder. “We are proud to honor her life-saving actions and commitment to public safety.”

Ashley’s story is a powerful reminder of the tremendous impact first responders can have when empowered by advanced technology that enables swift response and coordination.  

Watch the full award presentation, which took place at Indialantic Police Department in Florida, and catch behind-the-scenes action in our video recap below:

Do you know a colleague or friend who has shown bravery on the frontlines? We welcome you to submit a Save Story to celebrate and honor your colleagues!

For more stories like Ashley's and to learn about how RapidDeploy makes a difference in public safety, check out our save stories in action.  

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